
Quantum Infused Beauty Spray Bottle

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Last online 20159 days ago

Shop Location: Opposite Azegbe plaza ,kapakuro mowe Ibadan express way

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Beauty Spray Bottle

This bottle is quantum infused and it
inhibit and alleviate the growth of skin surface spots.
reduces wrinkles naturally
anti-aging effect.
removes bad breath /mouth odor.
moisturize the skin, especially in the dry season
eliminates dry skin.
skin protection, sun protection and crack prevention.
alleviate eye fatigue, dark circles and bags under the eyes
helps you sleep well
eliminates smelly shoes and the foot odor
makes hair grow, glow and smooth
spraying on food can inhibit/prevent the growth of bacteria and toxicity of food additives can be reduced.
accelerate blood circulation of the skin, restoring the vitality of cells, supplementing the moisture and energizing the body.
to use it pour any clean water and spray it on any part of the body

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