
Simple Music Player

Offered by: Auschib Electricals International

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Last online 2648 days ago

Shop Location: Shoo E23 Alaba Int'l market Ojo Ekectrical facing Fline

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Portable Mp3 Music Player

a portable new red colour mp3 music player , small but mighty nice sound production and it last longer it also has bluetooth connection were you can answer phone calls, it also has usb and memory card port were you can slot any of them in and enjoy a good music at your convinent time at home, shop or office.we also have it in different types and sizes at affordable prices ,contact us today to get your own.

enlightened Important Safety Tips

  • NEVER pay before buying the item
  • Try to meet at a safe, public location
  • Check the item before you buy it
  • Pay when you've collected the item

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