Recharge And Get Paid Join Rechargeandgetpaid

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how i can help you earn from rechargeandgetpaid

recharge and get paid was created to give nigerian, both young and old, the opportunity to earn passive or full-time income while they recharge their data, airtime etc. what you earn is up to your time and the effort you put to spread the voice. so this is not get rich quick scheme, which most of the times is a time and money waster. the earning plan recharge and get paid read offers is simple and works for those who serious about earning extra cash geniuely in their spare time. contact me here now for help to register.

this is important to rest assured that rechargeandgetpaid service is legit. if it was not, the company wouldn't have secured and and continue to hold its company registration in nigeria.

here is how much you can earn using this platform: recharging or selling airtime earns you 2% buying or selling data earns you 10% referring others to join the platform yearns you 20% in addition to point values when the referrals recharge or even when you purchase airtime it translates to 0.35% earnings when referrals purchase data, 4% is yours. in case your own referrals refer others then you earn 10% and point value upon registration and gaining membership on ragp you get a 20% welcome bonus you get a monthly n100,000 leadership bonus if you maintain your pv above ₦10,000 you qualify for the coveted international tip fund amounting to ₦500,000 if you have a cumulative pv of more than ₦25,000 you can access a car fund worth ₦2 million if you have a cumulative pv that is not below ₦60,000 you qualify for a ₦3 million house fund with a cumulative pv of ₦10,000 and above you get a final house fund of ₦6 million if you have a cumulative pv of ₦500,000 and above.

enlightened Important Safety Tips

  • NEVER pay before buying the item
  • Try to meet at a safe, public location
  • Check the item before you buy it
  • Pay when you've collected the item

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