
Safe Response Safety Workshop


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1 Day Emergency Controls & Safe Respon

1 day professional development workshop on emergency controls & safe response safety workshop objective: • to promote and combine superior performance to achieve timely results with key performance indicators and to assist and encourage the improvement of individuals and companies/organizations by ensuring best operational practices and save systems of work. • to boost economic manpower and human capital development programmes and to sustain and advance hse technical know-how in professional careers. workshop aim/benefits:  this workshop offers the most comprehensive approach to developing an effective positive safe response, emergency planning & safety culture. positive safety culture is essential approach to attaining desired goal of zero incidents in the work place as well as provides an understanding of what is needed to reach this goal.  participants will be able to manage occupational safety and health effects within an organization.  participants will be able to provide expert input and consultation in safety and health response related matters.  participants will be able to manage workplace analysis and hazard prevention and control processes for responders.  participants will be able to serve as an advocate for occupational safety and health emergencies.  it identifies persons responsible for maintaining good medical record systems.  it provides employees with regard to health hazards to which they may be exposed. workshop methodology: • interactive lectures (facilitation) • case exercises and class analysis • discussion session and organizing of workshop groups • sharing experiences, ideas, questions and answer session • use of multi – media projector (teaching with the aid of power point presentation) • case studies and use of pre-recorded documentary videos to enhance and re-enforce learning. certification: certificate of professional development in emergency controls & safe response safety shall be issued upon successful completion of the workshop by monotech health, safety & environmental services limited. dates: first run: 17th, may 2019. second run: 24th may, 2019. venue: ntc center no.3, faramobi street, beside anthony police station, anthony village, lagos. time: 10am daily. workshop fee: n3999, 000 per participants (includes: certificate, bag, and softcopy (pdf) training manuals/materials for all participants). nb: participants can register at workshop venue with cash or transfer. for registration & more inquiries to attend this professional development workshop: contact the training coordinator: +2348100043964. workshop powered by: monotech health, safety & environmental services limited

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