
Practical Fire Fighting Training


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Challenges in fire fighting
what challenges do firefighters face?
1. securing funding and retention.
2. ensuring firefighter safety. ...
3. enhancing fire department communication.
4. coordinating agency resources.
5. rising expectations for fire services.

training schedule: in session/by request
duration: 3 days
training method: classroom/virtual

click here to register[https://lnkd.in/guea8ht]

course description:
• be more familiar with the function of fire protection system and its application
• enhance the basics of firefighting skill and knowledge
• have greater awareness of fire safety and fire risk associated with process industries
• strengthen the application technique of various portable firefighting equipment and breathing apparatus.

course outline:
1. definition of fire
2. fire pyramid (tetrahedron)
3. classes of fire/fuel
4. heat transfer
5. extinguishing agents
6. stages of fire
7. fighting fire
8. reporting fire
9. practical fire demonstration
10. case study analysis

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