
Oil And Gas Training Program


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benefits of oil & gas what is risk in oil and gas industry? a long-term risk for oil and gas companies is a dwindling natural supply. oil and gas companies remain some of the most heavily traded public companies. natural resource pricing relies heavily on the underlying cost of procuring and refining the resource, as well as the price of the completed commodity itself. knowing this risk and other factors that are challenging to the sector we bring to you the possible solution that has proven to be tested & have success in business. learn this with us: • training method: classroom • duration: 4 days • training schedule: by request how to reserve a seat [https://wa.me/2348164085555?text=enquiries] • call/text/whatsapp your name, phone number, email and course of interest to 08164085555, 09076777762 before training day for seat reservation click here to register[jobskillstrainers.com/course-registration] course objective: at the end of this training, the participants should be able to perform the following:- 1. to ensure effective administration of the subsidy schemes notified by the government. 2. to monitor and analyze trends in prices of crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas and their impact on the oil companies and consumers, and prepare appropriate technical inputs for policy making. • at the end of the training, successful candidates will be issued professional certificates from jobskills training institute, with a wide range of international and local accreditation . training syllabus base on international curriculum of best practice and delivered by certified instructors with years of industry-based experience. course outline – 1. introduction to crude oil exploration 2. introduction to crude oil drilling 3. introduction to crude oil refining 4. distribution of crude oil 5. plant operations 6. applied management science

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