
Mosquito Killer Lamp

Offered by: Ulch store

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Last online 20159 days ago

Shop Location: Opposite Azegbe plaza ,kapakuro mowe Ibadan express way

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Mosquito Killer Lamp

simple, safe solution to kill mosquitoes in any room – including a child’s bedroom or nursery product description: this hygienic, mosquito killer lamp attracts and kills mosquitoes without the use of smoke, harmful chemicals or dangerous high-voltage equipment. unlike other similar units, our lamp uses 6 environmentally friendly, low-voltage led’s to attract flying mosquitoes this is a mosquito killer with beautiful and modern cover uses curved design to enhance the ultraviolet rays and led lights to kill mosquito. the fan stirs the surrounding air to form a vortex so that the mosquitoes that are used to flying with the airflow come with the wind. ... let it die of dehydration and air dry. feature: - pure physical and no radiation, 100% safe for humans and pets

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