
Hse/safety Competency Training


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Shop Location: 11 Sehinde Calisto Crescent, by Charity Bus Stop Oshodi, Lagos.

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Hse-1, 2&3 Safety Competency Training

health, safety & environmental mgt (general hse level-1, 2 & 3 competency) course/training in warri, lagos.
this course presents learners/participants with an overview of workplace hazards in the worksite. it introduces the process of risk assessment and accident prevention through examples of workplace scenarios suitable across all work sectors.
hse level- 1: (basic/foundation) course content/module:
1. health safety and environment appreciation
2. why concern for accidents?
3. causes of accidents and unsafe act and unsafe conditions
4. accident prevention measures (hierarchy of control)
5. hse policies, rules and regulations/hse procedures
6. job safety analysis or job hazard analysis
7. why conduct a job safety analysis and how do i conduct a jsa?
8. basic first aid/cpr.

enlightened Important Safety Tips

  • NEVER pay before buying the item
  • Try to meet at a safe, public location
  • Check the item before you buy it
  • Pay when you've collected the item

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