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Offered by: Vaginne.ng

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Last online 20162 days ago

Shop Location: Zone A, Apo resettlement Abuja

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Vaginne Is The Solution

"ever since i used vaginne ,the menstrual cramps and the itching has stopped". - mrs james.

"since i used vaginne, the blisters and vaginal odour has all stopped ooo, am so happy" - felicia.

all these are the testimonies of some of the few selected women who have used vaginne .

vaginne intimate gel is a natural organic remedy which is specifically developed by a company called immeri for women who are suffering from infections of all kinds.

vaginne intimate gel contains natural substances which helps to fight bad bacteria in the woman's vagina. not only that...it also helps women who go through menstrual cramps, blisters, vaginal odour etc.

vaginne intimate gel comes in a pink tube. a box of vaginne contains six pink tubes.
don't die in silence.. speak out of your infections so it won't cost you more than you expect..
women's health matters.

note: there would be a discount for those who buy boxes of vaginne.....

get yours now.....

enlightened Important Safety Tips

  • NEVER pay before buying the item
  • Try to meet at a safe, public location
  • Check the item before you buy it
  • Pay when you've collected the item

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