
Disposable Nurse Cap

Offered by: scantrik medical supplies

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Disposable Nurse Cap In Nigeria

disposable nurse cap in nigeria by scantrik medical supplies the disposable cap is used in medical care, dental. surgery and homecare or protection and isolation. we are your one stop hub for medical equipment | hospital supplies | lab consumables | surgical instruments | dental care | clinical devices | ppe kits | disinfectants | consumables & disposables |lab diagnostics & instruments | medical device & equipment |medical implants | hospital establishment | physiotherapy & rehabilitation-medical aids | mobility aid | medical furniture | gynaecology & infant care | hospital holloware | lab reagents | radiology equipment (ultrasound, x-ray machine, ct, mri, ecg) we can supply and install anywhere in nigeria offices in lagos, abuja, port harcourt and benin city please call: 0907-643-3020, 0904-936-7703 whatsapp: https://wa.me/2349076433020 email: info (at) scantrikmedicalsupplies.com web: www.scantrikmedicalsupplies.com/products

enlightened Important Safety Tips

  • NEVER pay before buying the item
  • Try to meet at a safe, public location
  • Check the item before you buy it
  • Pay when you've collected the item

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