
Gnld Super Gro

Offered by: Johnparty

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Super Gro

maximize plants & animals profitable yields** it’s a special formula for plants, animals, lawns and gardens! for fruit crops, cash crops, trees, fish& poultry farming. benefits of gnld’s super gro liquid fertilizer 1. it increases agricultural yields by as much as 167%. 2. it makes the water “wetter” for plants and crops. 3. it promotes fertility, reduce run off and evaporation. 4. it’s highly concentrated and economical; a little goes a long way. 5. it breaks the surface tension of water. 6. it improves the absorption of nutrients. 7. it increases the rates at which water enters the soil. 8. it’s bio-degraded, non-harmful, non-toxic, non-inflammable, non-caustic. 9. it does not affect the ph balance of the soil or water. 10.it protects crops and animals from diseases. excellent for both indoors and outdoors purposes like; lawns, gardens, flowers, fish and poultry farms. advantages on fishery and poultry farms • promotes the growth of phytoplankton in the ponds. • prevents fish mortality and cannibalism. • increases the ability of oxygen dissolving in the fish ponds, thereby less changing of water on a daily basis. • reduces ammonia level and maintains water ph level. • promotes uniform growth of fishes. • effective in many types of fish ponds e.g plastic, earth and concrete ponds. • hygienic when compared with organic manure, thus prevents offensive odour and scurrying. • cost effective, as use don’t apply it directly mixed with water in proportions.

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