
Fairly Used

Offered by: Adeleke

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Bales Of Clothes

nice business opportunity for you to make good money.call us for delivery , first grade uk unisex use materials for sale. buy your first grade uk used for sale in bale now and mixed bale chiffon top / chiffon gown = #35,000(55kg ) #55,000(95kg),ladies gown long and short mixed with jump suit = #35,000 (55kg) #55,000 (95kg) babies cloths for unisex mixed from 0 to 5 from 0 to 10 and from 6 to 25 years is = #35,000 95kg is #55,000 ,bale of ladies bomb short mixed with both jegins top an trouser ladies shirt 45kg is = #35,000 95kg #55,000 ,mens boxers =#25,000 for 55kg ladies bale of high pants an bra = #35,000 for 95kg , men jeans, polo,and t-shirt = #35,000 for 55kg and #55,000 for 95kg... for inquires info us , notice delivery can be only for serious buyers and home delivery is for free contact ,thanks and god bless you

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  • NEVER pay before buying the item
  • Try to meet at a safe, public location
  • Check the item before you buy it
  • Pay when you've collected the item

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